How can I make automated backups?

Having backups of your world is essential for any casual or popular servers. Though Multicraft you can create tasks which will automatically backup your world file to your servers directory. Here's an example of how to do this!

  1. Log into your Multicraft control panel.
  2. Select your server then click on the "Advanced" tab in the left sidebar to open it.
  3. Click "Scheduled Tasks", here you can view all automated tasks which are running on your account.
  4. Click "New Task" in the left sidebar.
  5. Here is where we can create the backup task, use the following information as an example:
    * Server ID: Your servers ID (Don't change)
    * Name: The name of your task, such as 'World backup'
    * Status: Set this to 'Scheduled', and it will run at intervals
    * Scheduled Time: The time to start the automated task, set to the current date
    * Interval?: Tick this box, this is requred to set intervals of backups.
    * * Interval Time?: Once you tick the interval box, choose the interval in which you want to take backups. It's recommended to set this to 3 to 12 hours.
    * Command: Select "Create Backup"
    * Arguements: Leave blank
  6. Once it is all filled in, click "Create". Now the task is made and backups will be created at the interval you set.

If you need assistance or help, please submit a technical support ticket in your client area.

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